Become a patron

We need your support

Even though everyone helping run the Museum and Library does so by volunteering in their spare time, it still costs at least £18,000 a year just to open and maintain the Museum and its extensive Library. Entrance is free and we wish to retain this openness and accessibility to all.

Our Patrons support the Kent Masonic Museum and Library Trust financially by making regular payments each year to help keep the Museum and Library running, enabling it to provide free admission to members of the public and thus consistently help raise its profile, both internally with Freemasons and externally across all sections of society in Kent and beyond.

Standing order mandate

Individuals with debit/credit cards should register for Patronage online.

Lodges/Chapters and other organisations, operating two-signature bank accounts, should download, complete, print and post in the standing order mandate below to:

Mr. S. Fletcher, 17 Radnor Close, Herne Bay, Kent   CT6  7UE.

Standing order mandate (PDF)

Its aims are simple, to – Preserve the past, Engage the present & Secure the future.

Annual Patron membership is available from only £25.00 and includes benefits such as:

  • VIP invitations to the Museum for guided talks and tours
  • Regular free news updates
  • Early notification of special events
  • Exclusive lapel pin for individual patrons

Yes, I confirm I am a UK taxpayer. Please treat all donations I make as Gift Aid donations until further notice.